The Age, 19 August 2022
The summit initiated by Education Minister Jason Clare last week into the current and worsening teacher shortage crisis is a welcome move. There are some prominent and knowledgeable people at the table for this discussion and their ideas are likely to be productive.
However, the opportunity for genuine traction in this now critical pursuit isn’t in the quality of these ideas. It’s in the way they’re received politically.
Well may we talk about improving the pay levels for teachers at the end of their careers as a lever for keeping mid-career teachers in the profession longer. And, provided we don’t have them competing to the death infailed, subjective and unfair performance arenas – we probably should.
And this is a notion that will fly reasonably well with the populace and stand difficult for the opposition to attack.
But pay alone isn’t the reason the reason that experienced teachers are leaving in droves. The opportunity for a few extra dollars – and only if you agree to hang around for a few more years – is unlikely to address the conditions that are driving them to breaking point right now.
These are issues around student behaviour, unrealistic expectations, incessant workload demands and attacks from uninformed parents. And these issues are most acutely felt in the very places where a quality education is most needed and worst resources – our government schools in our poorest communities.
It’s easy to gasp at the 20% rate of teachers leaving in the first five years of their careers and to assume it’s a rough 20% level in most schools. It isn’t. The reality is that this percentage is far higher in the schools I speak of and far lower inschools that have a disproportionate level of funding and advantage – our private schools.
Not only are these schools enjoying the benefits of luring students to their palatial surrounds with glossy brochures and fancy facilities. They’re also marketing their far lower teacher-student ratios.
That’s right. They’re not just peddling ergonomic chairs and pre-existing advantage to guilt ravaged parents, they’reselling a cushier future to our current teachers as well. Effectively, they’re skimming off and hoarding the teachers, and often really good ones, from the places that we’re most concerned about.
When high-quality teachers providing education in tough schools are finally stripped of the resources and hope that they can make a tangible difference, they often seek refuge in private schools.
As a result, it might it be argued that the death of teachers in government schools, struggling daily with almost illegal student-teacher ratios just to get to 3.30pm, can be best solved by sending a few back from the schools who already often boast ratios of less than ten students per teacher.
If Clare’s intention from this week’s think tank is genuine reform, rather than a handful of low impact yet popular thought bubbles, then he’s going to find an inconvenient truth beneath the surface of the teacher shortage crisis.
That is, you just can’t separate this crisis from what’s become known as ‘the funding wars’ in education.
The elephant in the room around what an authentic, multi-faceted and effective solution to this crisis requires is the one thing that slips too regularly from our grasp. It’s bipartisanship.
Until we can agree as a nation, that there’s more benefit in an equitable and adequately funded education system than there is in the political mileage it can provide a party, we’re pretty much doomed to window dressing level solutions that will ultimately lead us back to more summits and white papers.
Until we can agree that the LNP doesn’t need to act on behalf of the private schools from which their MPs are esteemed and beholden alumni and until Laborcan stop pretending that it advocates for public schools, even with well-intended and ineffective summits, without actually threatening the beast of inequity holding us back from any progress, we’re getting nowhere on this.
For these are the team rules of education played as a political football match. It’s your team versus my team and be damned with the kids in the middle.
By not changing the rules of the game, we’re admitting that we’re fine with a scoreboard of up to 60% of our teaching workforce considering a departure within the next five years. We’re also ok with 50% of pre-service teaching applicants abandoning their degree before they spend even a day in a classroom.
And we’re also fine with our national economic and social prosperity being underpinned by an education system that nobody even wants to work in.
It’s a simple choice of trick or treat. We can continue with vain attempts to trick more people into teaching or into staying in teaching, or we can change the way we treat them